CCPS Membership

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The Professional Land Surveyors of Colorado (PLSC) is the voice and vision for Colorado surveyors. CCPS is the chapter for the central region of Colorado. Through our active legislative committee, the organization influences legislation that will affect all surveyors practicing in Colorado. In order to pursue this vision we need you to participate in the PLSC & the CCPS.

The annual PLSC Rocky Mountain Surveyors Summit provides survey education and networking opportunities. PLSC members can take advantage of registration discounts that nearly cover the membership fee.

Getting your PLSC membership application is easily accomplished online by going to the Professional Land Surveyors of Colorado web site using the link below and following the instructions. CCPS membership is also obtained through this process for an additional minimal fee which is designated on the application form.

We look forward to hearing your voice and seeing your vision at future PLSC and CCPS meetings and events.

Click here for additional benefits of joining PLSC

Apply for Membership

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Click here to register online

Click here to download a membership Application